Ifa & Philosophy
Ifa philosophy consists of a value and belief system that are implicit in its languages and spiritual practices. Nigerian playwright, and philosopher, Wole Soyinka's, play "The Road"... illustrated a bold philosophical statement concerning the problem of existence. It delineates life as a void in search of meaning... Throughout the play, searching for the "Word" implies various interpretations regarding what the word meant.
In Yoruba culture, proverbs offer wisdom and convey truisms. However, it is the cultural context of the proverb which imbues it with philosophical meaning. Without context, the proverb must be interpreted in light of individual "experience", rather than collective. The following Yoruba proverb is a perfect example of how events that will happen to a particular individual cannot be altered:
A kì í mú ọmọ òṣì lọ sí Ìlọ́rọ̀.
One does not take a child destined for poverty to Ìlọ́rọ̀.
(A person cannot transcend his/her destiny.)
Ifa or the philosophy of Orunmila affirms the existence of immaterial reality imperceptible to human consciousness. It is the acceptance of an infinite God (Olodumare) and his emissaries (Orisa), the immortality of the soul, and the immateriality of human intellect and unblemished character.
Orunmila, given his primordial creation, was given the special privilege of knowing the beginning and end of all things. He fathoms and comprehends the origin of man as well as the deities in heaven (ara orun). His mission in the realm of mysteries was to reconstruct the world by conveying words wisdom (Philosophical) concerning human existence.
In conclusion, Ifa is literally, a philosophical oasis of morality, love, and wisdom.
Are people ethically obligated to improve their characters?
Do all people have equal value regardless of their actions or are a person’s value based on their actions?
Do people in wealthier countries have a moral obligation to help those in poorer countries?
Hopefully, this write-up on Ifa & Philosophy has broadened your understanding and stirred intrigue and curiosity.