Ifa & Spirituality
Spirituality exists in all cultures and traditions around the world. Its practices and spiritual disciplines may include alignment with our creator. It entails the growth of communities and human beings as a whole. Development begins by focusing on all aspects of our lives, including behavior, character and what we consciously and subconsciously project out into the world we live in. Divination, prayer, orisa propitiation, attending social gatherings and group discussions, are just a few ways we can put our spirituality into practice. Defining Ifa spirituality is not an easy task, because it encompasses every aspect of life. It’s a social-cultural system of designated spiritual practices, philosophies, ethic’s and oral traditions, which exposes human beings to transcendental and spiritual elements.
The desire for spirituality is inherent in all human beings, however, it’s a unique and personal process. Each individual experiences it differently. There are actually many schools of thought on the concept of spirituality. However, let me define Ifa spirituality even further, so we can develop a broader understanding. In basic terms, Ifa spirituality can be considered a worldview and a way of being, based on the belief that there is more to life than what our physical senses can comprehend, more to consciousness than magnetic impulses in our brains, and more to our physical existence, than the body and its daily needs. Ifa spirituality embraces the belief in higher forms of consciousness governing the universe. It exists to satisfy our thirst for meaning, purpose, truth and the re-establishment of balance.
I have been exposed to several wisdom traditions, seeking a broader understanding of their essence, philosophy, and practices involved. I’ve concluded many of them, share common principles and practices. However, Ifa utilizes an extensive assemblage of mystical formulas that offers direction using the Ifa principals called odu. Each of the 256 odu consist of distinct signatures, whose interpretation is determined by the Babalawo, using Ikin Ifa-palm-nuts or Opele-divination chain. Odu Ifa, reflect Yoruba beliefs, communal cohesion, behavior, family, history, language and so much more... The wisdom of Ifa has been orally preserved and transmitted among Ifa priests for hundreds of years.
• What does Ifa Spirituality mean to you?
• What drives you to seek Ifa spirituality?
• What are your ultimate goals?
• What types of spiritual practices most speak to you?
Which of the following Ifa spiritual disciplines would you be interested in learning more about?
• Divination & Ebo
• Prayer/Oriki
• Mentorship
• Community & Teacher Relationship
• Ifa Ethics
• Ritual
Hopefully, this write-up on Ifa & Spirituality has broadened your understanding and stirred intrigue and curiosity.