Ifa & Religion
Ifa, is comprised of traditional spiritual practices and religious concepts. Which utilizes a system of divination; its literary corpus is contained within Odu Ifa. Orunmila is highly regarded as the high priest of Divination and prophet to the world. How does spirituality differ from religion, you may ask.
For the most part, religion puts forth a specific set of constructed practices and beliefs, usually shared by a group or community. Spirituality, on the other hand, is more of an individual practice, and is associated primarily with the attainment of having a sense of peace and purpose on earth. Ifa, actually embodies both concepts.
Ifa reflects the religious belief that man (Eniyan), Deities (Orisas) and divine light (Ela) are all interconnected. The world is seen as a mirror reflection within the vibration of Odu Ifa. Which reproduces the exhalation of all living entities. Ifa provides us with the tools to attain contentment and peace of mind, in a world of disunity and oppression. However, in order to understand how to utilize these tools, we must first, begin to unravel the fibers that have woven this world together, individually and collectively.
In conclusion, Ifa is a religion, that incorporates
spiritual consciousness, which projects our awareness into different dimensions. Ifa teaches us that everything in the natural world is connected to the source of creation in the spiritual realms.
Why does Olodumare– who is all-powerful and all-knowing require human beings, to serve Orisa?
Why is there a continuous conflict between different religions, and between those who believe, and those who don’t?
Do you feel being religious and spiritual is different?
In your opinion, how will you describe Olodumare?
Hopefully, this write-up on Ifa & Religion has broadened your understanding and stirred intrigue and curiosity.