Ifa & Technology
While Ifa divination is a divine methodology for foretelling future trends and events. Ifa is also an ancient binary system which, in some incomprehensible way, auspiciously links the probability of numbers with the intricacies of the human condition. Ifa, is based upon an 8-bit binary theory, which utilizes the eight segmented divination chain, revealing 16 principal of Odu, 256 odu patterns, in all. Orunmila, the orisa of wisdom and divination uses a binary coded system to access appropriate signs and utilizes the verses of Ifa to interpret those signs.
The ikin (sacred kola-nuts), opele and other apparatus are like the interfaces used for processing. And so, the arrival at Odu is achieved by means of calculated mathematical binary formulas. Which computers also use to maintain it's internal processes. Because Ifa is based upon a binary system, it can be considered a computer-oriented technology.
Additionally, the use of technology is referred to in the holy Odu Okanran Osa:
"Hoes cannot cultivate a farm by themselves. We human beings are the force behind them. Axes cannot attempt anything successfully. We human beings are the force that makes them work. Cutlasses cannot by themselves clear a forest. We human beings are their aids. A yam put into a mortar cannot turn itself into pounded yam, but for we human beings who aid it.
The Odu acknowledges several tools that were crucial to the cultivation and the betterment of ancient African civilization. The Odu mentions axes, hoes, and cutlasses as all having their own vital functions. But only within the context of human experience, way of life, and our integration of these tools into our modern-day technologically advanced society.
What would we do without these advances in technology that have made our lives so much more, legitimately easier? The Odu Ifa Okanran Osa poses the question "But what forces are working as aids to humanity other than Olorun (GOD) and human beings themselves?"
This basically illustrates, when all the material embellishments and inventions are deprived of their man-made quasi-glorifications all that will be left is mankind and its creator (GOD).
When we think about Ogun, we think about tool makers or blacksmiths. Ogun is the spirit of iron and technology, honored by the toolmakers and not the process of tool-making itself.
Has today's technology made life too easy?
Has technology hindered or enhanced our spiritual, mental or physical growth? *Please offer a detailed description of your thoughts and experiences.
What other technologies would benefit humanity?
Hopefully, this write-up has broadened your understanding and stirred intrigue and curiosity.